Developers in Texas Boost Demand for Cross-Border Warehousing and Logistics, Emphasize Readiness for Shippers

The amount of warehousing space on the US-Mexico border remains a core concern for today’s shippers. The demand is growing as nearshoring continues, and shippers are working to find providers that can both handle the cross-border and storage needs of their networks. PRIMO’s robust network and intelligent freight management solutions address the pain point of overwhelming information and the need for efficient carrier and warehouse selection as companies navigate financial fluctuations and market conditions.

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Exploring Cost-Effective Decarbonization in Trucking, Shippers Turn to Experts for Help

A new study highlights the inefficacy of EV mandates in the trucking industry, suggesting renewable diesel as a more cost-effective and less disruptive alternative. The study underscores the economic and operational challenges of full electrification, advocating for a diverse set of technologies to meet different needs effectively. PRIMO’s expertise in diverse freight solutions aligns with the need for strategic adaptation in logistics, ensuring compliance and efficiency amidst evolving regulations.

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Navigating I95 Closures Warrants Working With Brokers

The I95 closure has disrupted delivery schedules, forcing businesses to reroute and change delivery dates. PRIMO offers solutions to mitigate these disruptions through its advanced freight management system and flexible communication options. PRIMO’s robust network and technology ensure that despite unexpected road closures, shipments are delivered on time, addressing the critical pain point of delivery reliability in the face of infrastructure challenges.

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Generative AI Is Transforming Supply Chain Management, Putting Shippers on Notice for More Tech

Generative AI is rapidly being adopted in supply chain management, with a significant majority of C-suite executives planning increased investment and expecting returns by 2024. The technology is poised to automate or augment 58% of supply chain processes, necessitating advanced training and data strategies to harness its full potential effectively. PRIMO’s integration of cutting-edge technologies addresses the evolving technological needs of supply chain leaders, ensuring they remain at the forefront of operational efficiency and innovation.

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Exploring TMS Satisfaction and Integration Challenges Shows Shippers Want a Tech-Rich Experience

A recent survey by JBF Consulting and Adelante SCM reveals that only half of the respondents are satisfied with their TMS, citing integration issues and unmet expectations as major obstacles. Despite advancements in AI, there remains a significant gap between the anticipated benefits and the actual functionality delivered by TMS solutions. PRIMO addresses these industry pain points by integrating a human-first approach with advanced technology, ensuring high user satisfaction and reliable system performance.

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