Global Tech Outage Precipitates Supply Chain Delays, Shippers Turn to Experts For Help

Microsoft update has triggered a wave of delays across all modes, but they’re more prevalent in all freight moving via air at some leg.. In response to Microsoft’s outage causing supply chain delays, PRIMO’s proactive approach ensures timely freight movement. PRIMO’s dedication to overcoming tech disruptions addresses the critical pain point of maintaining supply chain efficiency during unforeseen tech outages.

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Trucking Tonnage Trends Downward, Creates More Opportunity for Shippers to Lower Transportation Spend With Optimization

The ATA For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased in June, reversing a brief gain from May and resuming the trend of year-over-year losses. Despite the decline, the second quarter showed slight improvements over the first, suggesting potential stabilization in truck freight volumes. PRIMO’s expertise in capacity procurement directly addresses the challenges of market instability caused by fluctuations in freight tonnage, ensuring reliable logistics solutions for businesses.

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Diesel Prices Drop Nationwide, Creates New Fuel Surcharge Issues, Worrys Management at the Heart of Fleet Management

The national average diesel price decreased by 4.7 cents to $3.779 a gallon, marking a total drop of 8.6 cents over the past two weeks across all regions. This reduction in diesel prices reflects a broader trend of declining fuel costs in the U.S. For logistics companies facing the challenge of fluctuating fuel prices, PRIMO provides a solution through its robust freight management system, offering stability and predictability in transportation costs.

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Safety and Compliance in Logistics Remains a Top Priority, Shippers Look for Strategic Partners

The rapid expansion of warehousing and logistics, driven by e-commerce growth and government incentives for reshoring manufacturing, has led to increased warehouse construction and operational demands, highlighting the critical need for enhanced safety measures. Recent incidents and regulatory scrutiny underline the risks and the urgent need for robust safety protocols in warehouse construction and operation. PRIMO’s commitment to safety and compliance addresses these industry challenges by ensuring a safer working environment and mitigating risks associated with logistics operations.

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Technology Platforms a Key Focus in Navigating Cross-Border Freight Challenges

Cross-border freight traffic between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico necessitates consistent alternative fueling infrastructure due to varying regulations and technological capabilities. In 2023, millions of trucks crossed these borders, highlighting the need for uniform powertrain technology to facilitate seamless trade and reduce transloading events. PRIMO’s advanced technology and human-first approach streamline cross-border logistics, mitigating the inefficiencies caused by inconsistent freight infrastructure.

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