Global Tech Outage Precipitates Supply Chain Delays, Shippers Turn to Experts For Help

Microsoft update has triggered a wave of delays across all modes, but they’re more prevalent in all freight moving via air at some leg. In response to Microsoft’s outage causing supply chain delays, PRIMO’s proactive approach ensures timely freight movement. PRIMO’s dedication to overcoming tech disruptions addresses the critical pain point of maintaining supply chain efficiency during unforeseen tech outages.

  • Global IT Outage: A faulty software patch from Crowdstrike caused a massive global computer crash, affecting 8.5 million devices and disrupting logistics operations worldwide.
  • Air Cargo Impact: The air cargo sector was hit hardest, with thousands of flights delayed or canceled, leading to significant delays in last-mile deliveries.
  • E-commerce Peak: The incident occurred during a peak in e-commerce activity, exacerbating the impact on supply chains.
  • Recovery Efforts: While most systems were quickly restored, airlines face a slower recovery process. Microsoft emphasized the importance of collaboration and safe deployment practices in the tech ecosystem.

