One leading company faced significant challenges in the automotive industry, where the smooth procurement of raw materials, efficient production processes, and versatile shipping methods are essential. They sought a logistics partner with specialized know-how, capable of moving scrap materials, and immediate availability to handle various shipping requirements like flatbeds. Their unique challenges call for specialized solutions that only PRIMO can provide.

The Business Challenge

The client, a prominent player in the automotive industry, faced specific limitations in their supply chain operations, particularly in the Midwest zone. Managing the capacity to move scrap, handling cross-border shipments, and ensuring uninterrupted availability of units were areas needing urgent attention. These challenges were multi-faceted, including:

Capacity Limits.

The client required a provider capable of managing a large volume of scrap materials.

Specialized Knowledge.

Using flatbeds requires specialized know-how for loading, sourcing capacity, and leveraging strategic networks.

Regional Challenges.

The client needed strong support in the Midwest region to enhance their operations.

The Solution

Recognizing the client’s unique needs, PRIMO employed its extensive expertise in the automotive industry to craft a tailored solution. With a commitment to delivering exceptional 24/7 service and an unmatched pool of providers, PRIMO addressed the client’s challenges effectively with the following:

Capacity and Availability.

PRIMO's ability to move scrap provided the client with the much-needed capacity, ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Versatility in Services.

Offering LTL, FTL, Flatbeds, and Drayage allowed clients to choose specific solutions for their unique requirements.

Regional Strength.

The client needed strong support in the Midwest region to enhance their operations.

The Results

The collaboration with PRIMO brought tangible success and marked improvements in the client’s operations. PRIMO’s capacity and versatile service offerings played a pivotal role in resolving the client’s capacity limitations and complex logistical challenges. This partnership enhanced their operations’ efficiency and strengthened their position in the competitive automotive industry. 

Capacity Enhancement.

PRIMO's capacity to move scrap met the client's immediate and ongoing needs.

Versatility in Services.

The varied services, all part of PRIMO’s omnimodal offering, allowed the client to choose the optimal solutions for their specific requirements.

24/7 Operations Monitoring.

The continuous monitoring ensured smooth operations and quick resolution of potential issues.

Strong Presence in Key Regions.

PRIMO's substantial capacity in the Midwest zone facilitated the client's operations in this critical region.