Trailer Orders Struggle Amid Economic Uncertainty, Push Demand for Quality 3PLs

U.S. trailer orders in July 2024 increased month-over-month yet remained significantly lower compared to the previous year, reflecting a broader downturn in demand amidst already-filled dealer inventories and a weak freight market. Despite a seasonal adjustment, the outlook remains cautious with expectations of continued subdued demand through the remainder of the year. PRIMO’s broad network of asset carrier partners and pricing intelligence directly addresses the challenge of rising transportation costs, ensuring efficient freight management even as trailer order volumes fluctuate and market conditions remain uncertain.

  • July Trailer Orders: U.S. trailer orders increased from June to July but remained significantly below July 2023 levels. ACT Research reported 5,961 units, while FTR reported 7,200 orders.
  • Year-to-Date Decline: The year-to-date 2024 U.S. trailer net orders are just under 82,000 units, a 26% decrease compared to the first seven months of 2023.
  • Market Challenges: The challenging freight environment and already-filled dealer inventories are suppressing 2024 trailer demand.
  • Future Outlook: The opening of 2025 order books and a potential recovery in truck freight could improve market conditions, although uncertainties remain.

