ATRI Unveils 2024 Priorities for Trucking Industry Research, Pushes Shippers to Prioritize Safety, Security Among Drivers in Their Networks

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) has established its 2024 research priorities, focusing on enhancing driver recruitment, mitigating litigation impacts, understanding cargo theft, alleviating traffic bottlenecks, and evaluating the federal excise tax on truck investments. These initiatives aim to address critical challenges in workforce development, cost management, and operational efficiency within the trucking sector. PRIMO’s comprehensive logistics solutions directly support these goals by improving carrier vetting and driver management, thus enhancing supply chain stability and efficiency.

Research Priorities: The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) has established its top research priorities for the year 2024, focusing on critical issues such as workforce development, lawsuit abuse reform, and transportation infrastructure.

Driver Demographics: ATRI plans to mine driver demographic data to identify new pathways to trucking careers, targeting recruitment and retention strategies, and exploring potential pathways from untapped populations.

Nuclear Verdicts Update: An update on the impact of nuclear verdicts on the trucking industry is planned, examining changes since the initial study in 2020, insurance premiums, contributing factors, and the effects of recent lawsuit abuse reform legislation.

Cargo Theft and Bottlenecks: The research will also address the scope of cargo theft in the U.S. and calculate the cost of truck bottlenecks, providing a granular analysis of congestion costs and the return-on-investment for infrastructure improvements.
